As we start to approach the end of another school year, children of all ages face a range of transitions.

In primary schools, younger children are challenged with the prospect of starting at a big school away from what they have known for so long. In high schools, young adults are sitting for their final exams or transitioning into their most stressful school year yet, before preparing for a world after school. While these changes lead to the next exciting episode of life, many children may feel nervous, excited, anxious and unsure. And, if left unchecked, these feelings can contribute to deeper mental health issues over time.

In our information-overloaded world that bombards us with alarming issues, new facts and figures and overly complicated solutions to modern life you can be forgiven for thinking that, in your role as parent, care-giver or teacher, you don’t have all of the skills necessary to help children navigate through life with their mental health intact.

Transitions and life changes can make it more likely for children to experience stress. Stress is a normal part of life and something that everybody experiences. But, children and even young adults have often not developed their skills enough yet to cope with stress and can find change overwhelming.

The best way for the adults in their life to help children navigate through this myriad of changes is to bring it back to basics, being present and available. By using some simple techniques that can be implemented anywhere and at any time, teachers and parents can help to set up life-long coping mechanisms in children that can help them through stressful situations and retain a healthy outlook on life.

Download our tip sheets for free to help you manage stress in your primary and senior school-aged children.

These simple, but effective tips will give you as much peace of mind as it does them!