What is cyberstalking?

Cyberstalking is harassment by sending continuous insulting and/or threatening messages.
• Harassing is the constant sending of insulting, threatening and/or intimidating messages online or via text message. It is repeated and, therefore, is harassment.
• Messages are often sent at odd times of the day or night.
• Did you know that the use of messages to intimidate and/or threaten a victim is serious – it can have an impact on the victim’s personal safety and wellbeing.
• There are stalking offences in each state and territory. Stalking involves a persistent course of conduct by a person against a victim that intends to make them feel fearful, uncomfortable, offended or harassed. Stalking offences carry heavy maximum penalties.
• If you are seen to be harassing someone, you could be charged by the police and go to jail for up to three years.
• If you threaten to harm someone, you could face up to seven years’ imprisonment. If you threaten to kill someone, you could be punished with 10 years’ imprisonment.

Victims of cyberstalking

Victims of cyberstalking receive continuous insulting and/or threatening messages.
• If you are being physically stalked or are concerned for your safety, you should report it to your local police immediately.
• If someone has sent you an unkind or offensive message, tell your parents or a trusted adult.
• Unsure about whether you’re being cyberstalked? If you are constantly receiving insulting, threatening and/or harassing messages online or via text message, it is serious and you need to tell a trusted adult. Cyberbullying is illegal. You can also get help from the Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.
• Talking can help release stress and anxiety by helping you let go of the pain you’re holding on to and ultimately letting you feel better about the situation.
• The police will help in a life-threatening situation – call triple zero (000) if you ever find yourself in a critical situation.