Interrelate's Children's Contact Service offers safe, neutral, flexible, and child-focused time for children and their families to spend time together. The aim of Interrelate Children's Contact Service is to support children to connect and build positive relationships with family members who they do not live with or are not connecting with outside our service.

The Children's Contact Service (CCS) is a flexible service that identifies and meets the needs of individuals and the family unit. Interrelate Staff support the growth of positive relationships through family connection and by identifying and working towards achieving your goals. The CCS is a short-term service that aims to support families to move towards self-management.

What to expect

The Children's Contact Service works in partnership with families to provide child-focused support. Some centres are very busy, it is important to contact us as soon as you can to ensure you put your name onto a waitlist if one exists. If you are on a waitlist for the CCS, you may be able to utilise or attend another Interrelate service or programs.

Families accessing our service can expect:

An intake appointment and assessment: this helps us to understand your unique family circumstance, develop a goal plan to address your needs and those of your family. It is also a time to determine what services or referrals are best suited to assist you.

We assist families to develop goals and plans to work towards being able to manage their own contact arrangements.


Children's Orientation:

A child's orientation appointment is booked to build your child's comfort and confidence in the process. It is a time for children to either see the environment they will be in during their visit or get information on how they might be able to do this. It's when they may meet staff, discuss how they are feeling about their visits, chat about what help they might need from staff and think about the things they might like to do with the person or people they are visiting with. Depending on how your family uses our service, the orientation for children will vary. For example, if your child is coming to the centre, they may visit the contact room in person whereas if they are having online visits, staff may set up an online orientation meeting.

Parent Orientation:

Prior to the first contact visit or change over, it is useful for parents to become familiar with the environment of the visit. It is important that you know the location and have a plan of how you will get there. As per the children's orientation, you may visit the centre or view our contact rooms in person or online. Staff can assist you with this.