Interrelate's Children's Contact Service offers safe, neutral, flexible, and child-focused time for children and their families to spend time together. The aim of Interrelate Children's Contact Service is to support children to connect and build positive relationships with family members who they do not live with or are not connecting with outside our service.

Interrelate’s Children’s Contact Service aims to provide a pleasant, home-like environment for adults and children to get to know each other again. Our aim is to bridge the gaps within families in a supervised environment and to work towards positive parenting to build confidence, trust and the ability to self-manage difficult emotions.

What to expect

For children who have developed a negative view of their family, this can have a direct impact on the child/ren's future relationships, their developmental outcomes, and their behavioural traits. For a lot of families separation can cause confilct. Understanding how you can limit the negative impact this conflict has on your child/ren is important to ensure the best out comes for them.

"It is not separation that causes a child to view their family negatively, but the conflict that it can create." What you can do to support your child to develop and maintain a positive view of their family.


Children’s Orientation: A child orientation session helps to build your child/ren’s comfort and confidence in the process. It is a time for children to either see the environment they will be at for their visit or to get information on how they can do this. During the orientation they may meet staff, discuss how they are feeling about their visits, chat about what help they might need from staff and what they might like to do with the person(s) they are visiting with. Depending on how your family uses our service the orientation for children will vary. For example; if your child is coming to the centre they may visit the contact room in person, whereas if they are having online visits staff may set up an online orientation meeting.

CCS Virtual Tour


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